The Supreme Court said on Monday that it is “inclined” to send the Delhi government’s plea , challenging the constitutional validity of the Centre’s ordinance on control of services , to a five-judge Constitution Bench, saying it has legal aspects which were not “dealt with” by the two Constitution Benches which heard the matter earlier. “We will issue notice. We are inclined to refer it to a Constitution Bench. The reason why we have to hear it in a combination of five is that for the first time they have used the power… conferred by Article 239 AA( 7 ), and brought services out of the domain of the Delhi Legislative Assembly. They amend the Constitution by exercising the power under Article 239 AA Article 239AA of the Constitution deals with special provisions with respect to Delhi . ARTICLE 239AA Special provisions with respect to Delhi (1) As from the date of commencement of the Constitution (Sixty-ninth Amendment) Act, 1...